
Celebration of World Standards Day 2016

On 14 October 2016, in Sarajevo, the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH celebrated the World Standards Day with a special focus on the economic representatives

World Standards Day 2016.

Each year on 14 October, the members of the IEC, ISO and ITU celebrate World Standards Day, which is a means of paying tribute to the collaborative efforts of the thousands of experts worldwide who develop the voluntary technical agreements that are published as international standards.

Sustainable procurement

And when we think that procurement in the public sector alone accounts for around 12 % of GDP and 29 % of government expenditure in OECD member countries

Do you trust the food you eat?

When we scan well-stocked supermarket shelves to select food and beverages for our weekly shop, most of us trust – and expect – that the contents of the packets of foodstuffs on display will match the information on the labels.