ISO regional training on managing national standards development using project management was held

ISO regional training on managing national standards development using project management was organized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), in cooperation with the Institute for Standardization of Moldova ( ISM) from May 29 to June 1 this year in Chisinau, Moldova.


Training objectives were:


  • Highlight the linkages between the national standardization strategy and the NSB’s portfolio, and programme management of the standards work plan.
  • Improve understanding of the importance of applying a project management approach to the standard development process.
  • Manage the development of standards projects, the adoption of international standards as well as active participation in ISO technical work in a timely manner and with efficient use of resources.
  • Provide tools to implement project management practices and integrate them across all stages of the standards development process.

Application of the project management approach to the standards development process, and effective and efficient services provided to standards developers is one of the priority initiatives under output 3.2 of ISO Action Plan for developing countries  2016-2020, namely capacity building of NSB’s on operational and technical level.


At this regional training Bosnia and Herzegovina was represented by Tihomir Andjelić and Biljana Baljaj from the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The workshop was attended by 25 participants from 12 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia: Armenia, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and host, Moldova.


ISO lecturers were: Siglinde Kaiser, from DIN, and Nesreen Al-Khammash, from the ISO Central Secretariat.