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In order to provide the best possible conditions for wider use of standards in our country and easier, faster and cheaper access to standards, the Institute for Standardization of BiH has launched the service related to standards for online reading within 7 or 30 days, in accordance with the Decision on fees for standards, standardization documents and publications as well as the services of the Institute for Standardization of BiH, Official Gazette of BiH No. 78/20.

Online access to draft BAS standards at a public discussion

Therefore, by introducing the online access service to the draft BAS standards, the Institute for Standardization of BiH has enabled all stakeholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), consumer associations, non-governmental organizations and other professional associations to participate better and easier in a public discussion.

BAS EN 14460: 2021 adopted by translation method

The Institute for Standardization of BiH, through its Technical Committee BAS/TC 6, Equipment for explosive atmospheres, adopted the BAS EN 14460: 2021, Explosion resistant equipment.

Invitation to participate in public consultations

In accordance with the Decision on procedure of medium-term planning, monitoring and reporting on work in the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official Gazette of BiH”, No. 62/14), the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina has prepared a Proposal of the Report on implementation of 2019–2020 medium-term plan of work of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

New original BiH standard in the field of construction

The Institute for Standardization of BiH has published the first edition of the original BiH standard BAS 1057: 2021, Concrete - Specification, performance, production and conformity - Guidelines for the implementation of BAS EN 206+A.

Heppy New Year

The Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina wishes all its business partners, associates, services and standards users a happy and successful New Year.

ISBIH Bulletin no. 3/20

The Institute for Standardization of BiH has prepared and published the ISBIH Bulletin no. 3/20.