pnBAS EN IEC 61557-13:2025
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V AC and 1 500 V DC - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 13: Hand-held and hand-manipulated current clamps and sensors for measurement of leakage currents in electrical distribution systems
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Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:10.03.2025
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:16.03.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 10, Опрема за мјерење електричне енергије и управљање оптерећењем
2014/35/EU, Нисконапонска опрема
2014/30/EU, Електромагнетна компатибилност
2014/30/EU, Електромагнетна компатибилност
29.080.01, Eлeктричнa изoлaциja oпћeнитo
29.240.01, Mрeжe зa приjeнoс и дистрибуциjу eлeктричнe eнeргиje oпћeнитo
17.220.20, Mjeрeњe eлeктричних и мaгнeтских вeличинa
29.240.01, Mрeжe зa приjeнoс и дистрибуциjу eлeктричнe eнeргиje oпћeнитo
17.220.20, Mjeрeњe eлeктричних и мaгнeтских вeличинa
IEC 61557-13:2023 defines special performance requirements for hand-held and hand manipulated current clamps and sensors for measurement of leakage currents in electrical distribution systems up to 1 000 V AC and 1 500 V DC taking into account the influence of high external low-frequency magnetic fields and other influencing quantities. See Annex A for examples of measurement applications.
This document does not apply to current clamps or sensors that are used in combination with devices for insulation fault location in accordance with IEC 61557-9, unless it is specified by the manufacturer.
IEC 61557-13:2023 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the term "fixing device" has been removed;
b) the measuring range was changed to a display range, the indication of DC or peak values has been added in 4.1;
c) the frequency for the test of sensitivity for low-frequency magnetic fields has been defined in 4.2;
d) the specified measuring range is now defined as the range of indicated values based on the operating uncertainty in 4.3;
e) alignment of the structure with that of the whole IEC 61557 series;
f) the variation E12 (maximum load current), may be specified according to the manufacturer’s specification.
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EN IEC 61557-13:2024, идентичан
IEC 61557-13:2023, идентичан
Веза са BAS стандардима
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