BAS EN ISO/IEC 15408-3:2021
Информациона технологија - Технике безбједности - Критерији за оцјену безбједности ИТ - Дио 3: Компоненте за обезбјеђење безбједности
Опште информације
Статус: Повучен
Број страна: 174
Језик: Енглески
Издање: 1.
Метода усвајања: Proglašavanje
Датум објаве: 30.12.2021
Технички комитет:
ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008 defines the assurance requirements of the evaluation criteria. It includes the evaluation assurance levels that define a scale for measuring assurance for component targets of evaluation (TOEs), the composed assurance packages that define a scale for measuring assurance for composed TOEs, the individual assurance components from which the assurance levels and packages are composed, and the criteria for evaluation of protection profiles and security targets.
ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008 defines the content and presentation of the assurance requirements in the form of assurance classes, families and components and provides guidance on the organization of new assurance requirements. The assurance components within the assurance families are presented in a hierarchical order.
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Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
- EN ISO/IEC 15408-3:2020, идентичан
- ISO/IEC 15408-3:2008, идентичан