BAS EN ISO 29481-1:2019

Информациони модели грађења - Приручник за доставу информација - Дио 1: Методологија и формат

Опште информације
Статус: Важећи
Број страна: 32
Језик: Енглески
Издање: 3.
Метода усвајања: Proglašavanje
Датум објаве: 23.07.2019

ISO 29481-1:2016 specifies - a methodology that links the business processes undertaken during the construction of built facilities with the specification of information that is required by these processes, and - a way to map and describe the information processes across the life cycle of construction works. ISO 29481-1:2016 is intended to facilitate interoperability between software applications used during all stages of the life cycle of construction works, including briefing, design, documentation, construction, operation and maintenance, and demolition. It promotes digital collaboration between actors in the construction process and provides a basis for accurate, reliable, repeatable and high-quality information exchange.

Животни циклус

Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
  • EN ISO 29481-1:2017, идентичан
  • ISO 29481-1:2016, идентичан

Веза са BAS стандардима