BAS EN ISO 21009-2:2017

Kriogene posude – Stabilne posude izolovane vakuumom – Dio 2: Operativni zahtjevi

Опште информације
Статус: Важећи
Број страна: 19
Језик: Енглески
Издање: 1.
Метода усвајања: Proglašavanje
Датум објаве: 08.06.2017
2014/68/EU, Опрема под притиском

ISO 21009-2:2015 specifies operational requirements for static vacuum insulated vessels designed for a maximum allowable pressure of more than 50 kPa (0,5 bar). It may also be used as a guideline for vessels designed for a maximum allowable pressure of less than 50 kPa (0,5 bar). ISO 21009-2:2015 applies to vessels designed for cryogenic fluids specified in ISO 21009‑1. Static cryogenic vessels are often partly equipped by the manufacturer, but may be installed or re-installed by another party, such as the operator, user or owner. NOTE 1 For the installation of these vessels, additional requirements can apply; these are defined in specific regulations. NOTE 2 Some requirements of this standard can be covered by local regulations, e.g. safety distances, occupational safety and health. Where there is a conflict between the requirements of this International Standard and any applicable local regulation, the local regulation always takes precedence.

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Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
  • EN ISO 21009-2:2015, идентичан
  • ISO 21009-2:2015, идентичан

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