BAS EN 1176-1:2011

Oprema i površine za dječija igrališta – Dio 1: Opći sigurnosni zahtjevi i ispitne metode

Опште информације
Статус: Повучен
Број страна: 88
Језик: Енглески
Издање: 1.
Метода усвајања: Proglašavanje
Датум објаве: 05.12.2011
Технички комитет:
101,00 KM
96,00 KM
Online читање (30 дана)
60,60 KM
Online читање (7 дана)
30,30 KM

This part of EN 1176 specifies general safety requirements for public playground equipment and surfacing. Additional safety requirements for specific pieces of playground equipment are specified in subsequent parts of this standard. This part of EN 1176 covers playground equipment for all children. It has been prepared with full recognition of the need for supervision of young children and of less able or less competent children. The purpose of this part of EN 1176 is to ensure a proper level of safety when playing in, on or around play-ground equipment, and at the same time to promote activities and features known to benefit children because they provide valuable experiences that will enable them to cope with situations outside the playground. This part of EN 1176 is applicable to playground equipment intended for individual and collective use by chil-dren, but excluding adventure playgrounds. It is also applicable to equipment and units installed as children's playground equipment although they are not manufactured as such, but excludes those items defined as toys in EN 71 and the Toys Safety Directive. NOTE Adventure playgrounds are fenced, secured playgrounds, run and staffed in accordance with the widely ac-cepted principles that encourage children's development and often use self-built equipment. This part of EN 1176 specifies the requirements that will protect the child from hazards that he or she may be unable to foresee when using the equipment as intended, or in a manner that can be reasonably anticipated.

Животни циклус
95.99 - Повлачење BAS стандарда 04.05.2021

Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
  • EN 1176-1:2008, идентичан

Веза са BAS стандардима