prBAS EN 50110-1:2025

Operation of electrical installations - Part 1: General requirements

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Број страница:15
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:05.01.2025
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:14.01.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 19, Електричне инсталације у зградама
29.240.01, Mрeжe зa приjeнoс и дистрибуциjу eлeктричнe eнeргиje oпћeнитo

This document is applicable to all operation of and work activity on, with, or near electrical installations. These are electrical installations operating at voltage levels from and including extra-low voltage up to and including high voltage. This latter term includes those levels commonly referred to as medium and extra-high voltage. These electrical installations are designed for the generation, transmission, conversion, distribution and use of electrical power. Some of these electrical installations are permanent and fixed, such as a distribution installation in a factory or office complex, others are temporary, such as on construction sites and others are mobile or capable of being moved either whilst energised or whilst not energised nor charged. Examples are electrically driven excavating machines in quarries or open-cast coal sites. This document sets out the requirements for the safe operation of and work activity on, with, or near these electrical installations. The requirements apply to all operational, working and maintenance procedures. They apply to all non-electrical work such as building work near to overhead lines or underground cables as well as electrical work, when there is a risk of electrical danger. This document does not apply to ordinary persons when using installations and equipment, provided that the installations and equipment comply with relevant standards and are designed and installed for use by ordinary persons. This document has not been developed specifically to apply to the electrical installations listed below. However, if there are no other rules or procedures, the principles of this document could be applied to them: - on any aircraft and hovercraft moving under its own power, (these are subject to International Aviation laws which take precedence over national laws in these situations); - on any sea going ship moving under its own power, or under the direction of the master, (these are subject to International Marine laws which take precedence over national laws in these situations); - electronic telecommunications and information systems; - electronic instrumentation, control and automation systems; - at coal or other mines; - on off-shore installations subject to International Marine laws; - on vehicles; - on electric traction systems; - on experimental electrical research work.

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Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
EN 50110-1:2023, идентичан

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