prBAS EN IEC 62314:2025

Solid-state relays - Safety requirements

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Број страница:110
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:12.01.2025
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:20.01.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 18, Енергетски трансформатори, мјерни релеји и заштитна опрема
2014/35/EU, Нисконапонска опрема
2014/30/EU, Електромагнетна компатибилност
29.120.70, Рeлejи

This International Standard applies to particular all-or-nothing electrical relays denominated solid-state relays intended for performing electrical operations by single step function changes to the state of electric circuits between the OFF-state and the ON-state and vice versa. This document deals with solid-state relays which are intended for incorporation in other products or equipment. As such, solid-state relays are considered to be components and this document defines the basic safety-related and functional requirements for solid-state relays as stand-alone components. Such solid-state relays are incorporated in products or equipment which themselves have to comply with the relevant product and/or application standard(s) to meet their intended application. The following are examples of such applications: - general industrial equipment; - electrical facilities; - electrical machines; - electrical appliances; - office communications; - building automation and environmental control; - automation and process control; - electrical installation engineering; - medical engineering; - telecommunications; - vehicle engineering; - transportation engineering; - lighting control. Where the component is intended to be incorporated into the equipment by the final user without EMC knowledge, an assessment for EMC compliance is available. There are no EMC requirements for solid state relays intended for incorporation into the equipment by the equipment manufacturer, because the performance strongly depends on the application into the equipment. Solid-state switching devices with monolithic structures fall within the scope of IEC sub195 committee 47E and are not covered in this document. Semiconductor controllers and contactors fall within the scope of the IEC 60947 series of standards - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - developed by IEC subcommittee 121A and are not covered in this document. Compliance with the requirements of this document is verified by the type tests and routine tests indicated. The object of this document is to state: - the characteristics of solid-state relays; - the requirements which solid-state relays shall comply with reference to a) their operation and behaviour; b) their 205 dielectric properties; - the tests verifying that the requirements have been met, and the test methods to be adopted; - the information to be given with the solid-state relay or in the manufacturer’s documentation.

Животни циклус

Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
EN IEC 62314:2024, идентичан
IEC 62314:2022, идентичан

Веза са BAS стандардима

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