prBAS EN 50065-2-3:2025
Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 2-3: Immunity requirements for mains communicating equipment operating in the range of frequencies 3 kHz to 95 kHz and intended for use by electricity suppliers and distributors
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Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:29.12.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:29.01.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 15, Електромагнетска компатибилност
2014/30/EU, Електромагнетна компатибилност
33.040.30, Кoмутaциjски и сигнaлизaциjски систeми
33.100.01, Eлeктрoмaгнeтнa кoмпaтибилнoст oпћeнитo
33.100.01, Eлeктрoмaгнeтнa кoмпaтибилнoст oпћeнитo
This document applies to electrical equipment using signals in the frequency range 3 kHz to 95 kHz to transmit or receive information on low voltage electrical systems, for electricity suppliers and distributors.
Mains communicating equipment (MCE) may fall into one of the two following categories:
- MCE implementing transmission or reception of information on LV distribution networks or installations of network users connected to the public electricity distribution network as the sole function. Immunity requirements for such equipment are entirely covered by this document;
- MCE being equipment covered by the scope of other standards, integrating mains communication as one of their functions. In this case, only the immunity requirements for the mains communication function of such equipment are covered by the scope of this document. Immunity requirements for all other available functions of this equipment are covered by the relevant product standard or generic standard.
The object of this document is to contribute to ensuring EMC in general. It specifies essential immunity requirements and test methods, including those tests which are to be performed during type-testing of MCE, for electromagnetic interference (EMI) generated on LV installations.
It defines the methods and requirements for testing immunity of MCE on meeting the essential requirements of the EMCD. Test requirements are specified for each port considered.
Furthermore, it provides guidelines for the assessment of the performance of the communication function of an MCE. Normative specifications are under consideration.
This document gives immunity requirements which are applicable to MCE used by electricity suppliers and distributors (e.g. DSOs) for purposes like energy management and network monitoring and automation. The levels do not however cover extreme cases which could occur in any location but with a low probability of occurrence. In special cases situations will arise where the level of disturbances could exceed the levels specified in this document, e.g. where a hand-held transmitter is used in proximity of an apparatus. In these instances special mitigation measures might have to be employed.
It does not specify immunity of MCE to signals from other MCE operating in the same nominal frequency band or immunity to signals originating from power line carrier systems operating on high or medium-voltage networks.
Safety considerations are not included in this document.
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EN 50065-2-3:2024, идентичан
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