prBAS ISO 6953-1:2025

Pneumatic fluid power — Compressed air pressure regulators and filter-regulators — Part 1: Main characteristics to include in supplier's literature and product-marking requirements

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Број страница:15
Метода усвајања:Korice
Датум реализације:16.12.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:12.03.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 53, Флуиди и системи флуида
23.100.50, Упрaвљaчкe кoмпoнeнтe

This document specifies which characteristics of compressed air pressure regulators are required to be included in the literature from the supplier. It also applies to filter-regulators. This document applies to: —    manually controlled direct operated types (with relieving mechanisms such as a relieving pressure regulator, or without relieving mechanism), —    manually controlled internal pilot operating types (e.g. nozzle flapper), and —    pressure-pilot operated types. In addition, it specifies the product marking requirements for pressure regulators and filter-regulators. This document is applicable to compressed air pressure regulators with a rated inlet pressure of up to 2 500 kPa (25 bar) and an outlet adjustment pressure of up to 1 600 kPa (16 bar) and to filter-regulators with rated inlet and outlet pressures of up to 1 600 kPa (16 bar), in which the major contaminants are removed by mechanical means. NOTE      The main characteristics to be included in the supplier's literature related to electrically modulated pneumatic continuous pressure control valves are specified in ISO 10094-1.  

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ISO 6953-1:2024, идентичан

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