prBAS EN 12261:2025

Gas meters - Turbine gas meters

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Број страница:45
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:21.11.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:31.01.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 31, Гас и гасна техника
2014/68/EU, Опрема под притиском
2014/32/EU, Мјерни инструменти
91.140.40, Систeми снaбдиjeвaњa гaсoм

This document specifies the measuring conditions, requirements and tests for the construction, performance and safety of class 1,0 axial and radial turbine gas meters with mechanical indicating devices, hereinafter referred to as a meter(s), having in-line pipe connections for gas flow measurement. This document applies to turbine gas meters used to measure the volume of fuel gases of the 1st and 2nd gas families, the composition of which is specified in EN 437:2021, at maximum working pressures up to 420 bar, actual flow rates up to 25 000 m3/h over a gas temperature range of at least 40 K and for a climatic environmental temperature range of at least 50 K. This document applies to meters that are installed in locations with vibration and shocks of low significance and in: - closed locations (indoor or outdoor with protection as specified by the manufacturer) with condensing or with non-condensing humidity; or, if specified by the manufacturer, - open locations (outdoor without any covering) with condensing humidity or with non-condensing humidity; and in locations with electromagnetic disturbances. Unless otherwise specified in this document: - all pressures used are gauge; - all influence quantities, except the one under test, are kept relatively constant at their reference value. Clauses 1 to 7 and Annex B are for design and type testing only, with the exception of,, and Annex C can be used to provide guidance on periodic tests during use. Clause 8 and Annexes D and E are for each meter prior to dispatch. Annex A is intended to be used for both type and individual testing. Annex F is intended to be used for individual testing. Annex G is intended to be used for design.

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EN 12261:2024, идентичан

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