nsBAS EN ISO 1172:2025
Textile-glass-reinforced plastics - Prepregs, moulding compounds and laminates - Determination of the textile-glass and mineral-filler content using calcination methods
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Број страница:13
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:25.02.2025
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:24.04.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 50, Амбалажа, пластика и гума
83.120, Aрмирaнa плaстикa
This document specifies two calcination methods for the determination of the textile glass and mineral filler content of glass-reinforced plastics:
— Method A: for the determination of the textile glass content when no mineral fillers are present.
— Method B: for the determination of the textile-glass and mineral-filler content when both components are present.
This document is applicable to the following types of material:
— prepregs made from yarns, rovings, tapes or fabrics;
— SMC, BMC and DMC moulding compounds;
— textile-glass-reinforced thermoplastic moulding materials and granules;
— filled or unfilled textile-glass laminates made with thermosetting or thermoplastic resins.
The methods do not apply to the following types of reinforced plastic:
— those containing reinforcements other than textile glass;
— those containing materials which do not completely burn off at the test temperature (for example, those based on silicone resin);
— those containing mineral fillers which degrade at temperatures below the minimum calcination temperature.
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Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
EN ISO 1172:2023, идентичан
ISO 1172:2023, идентичан
Веза са BAS стандардима
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