prBAS EN 1143-2:2025

Secure storage units - Requirements, classification and methods of tests for resistance to burglary - Part 2: Deposit systems

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Број страница:55
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:08.11.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:24.03.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 40, Машине и алати
13.310, Зaштитa oд криминaлa

This document specifies requirements and tests methods for deposit systems, and classifies the systems according to their burglary resistance and their resistance to the theft of deposits. This document comprises two types of deposit system: — Night safes which provide depositing services for the customers of financial institutions without giving access to the content of the night safe. — Deposit safes which enable the personnel of a company to place money or valuables in safe custody without giving access to the content of the deposit safe. The installation condition for deposit safe according to this document is that the depositing functions are installed inside the premises of the company and are only disposable for the personnel of the company. NOTE Parts of a deposit system are a receiving unit, an input unit and in some cases, a chute. This document includes design requirements for deposit systems controlled by programmable controllers and for the software for these. Controller hardware testing is restricted to mechanical or electromechanical attacks of electric motors, sensors, coils and similar devices; but software testing as attempts to influence controller software or controller hardware is not part of this document. Deposit systems can have devices for functions such as user identification and/or counting and registration of money. Tests of and requirements for classification of such functions are not included. This document does not cover protection of persons using the deposit system or the prevention of fraud committed by operators of the deposit system.

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