prBAS EN 13232-5:2025
Railway applications - Track - Switches and crossings for Vignole rails - Part 5: Switches
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Број страница:36
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:29.12.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:12.01.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 46, Жељезнице
2016/797/EU, Директива (ЕУ) 2016/797 Европског Парламента и Савјета о интероперабилности жељезничког система у Европској унији (Текст значајан за EEA)
93.100, Грaдњa жeљeзничких пругa
This document:
— establishes a working definition for switches and their constituent parts and identify the main types;
— specifies the minimum requirements for the manufacture of the switches and/or constituent parts;
— specifies codes of practice for inspection and manufacturing tolerances of both full and half sets of switches and their constituent parts;
— establishes the limits and scope of supply;
— lists the methods by which switches and their parts should be identified and traced;
— lists the different and varying ways by which switches can be described using the following parameters:
— geometry of the switches;
— types of construction;
— performance requirements;
— design criteria;
— tolerances and inspection.
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EN 13232-5:2023, идентичан
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