prBAS EN 134:2025

Respiratory protective devices - Nomenclature of components

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Број страница:26
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:13.11.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:18.03.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 14, Лична заштитна опрема
13.340.30, Oпрeмa зa зaштиту oргaнa зa дисaњe

This document specifies the nomenclature for typical components of respiratory protective devices. It does not specify which or how many components are used and where they are located in the apparatus. The illustrations used are given as examples only for the identification of the different parts and the corresponding terms for facilitating the application. The terms and definitions used are given in EN ISO 16972:2020 and EN 135:1998. The terms are given in the three official CEN languages.

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