prBAS CEN ISO/TS 19590:2025
Nanotechnologies - Characterization of nano-objects using single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
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Број страница:36
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:09.10.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:12.03.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 25, Заштита здравља
07.120, Нанотехнологије
This document specifies parameters, conditions and considerations for the reliable detection, characterization and quantification of nano-objects in aqueous suspension by spICP-MS.
Particle number concentration, particle mass, particle mass concentration, particle spherical equivalent diameter, and number-based size distribution are considered the main measurands, but the technique also allows for determination of the dissolved element mass fraction in the sample. This document provides general guidelines and procedures related to spICP-MS application, and specifies minimal reporting requirements.
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Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
CEN ISO/TS 19590:2024, идентичан
ISO/TS 19590:2024, идентичан
Веза са BAS стандардима
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