prBAS EN 10264-3:2025
Steel wire and wire products - Steel wire for ropes - Part 3: Round and shaped non alloyed steel wire for high duty applications
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Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:04.11.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:03.03.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 4, Челик, челични производи, обојени метали и легуре
77.140.65, Чeличнa жицa, жичaнa ужaд и лaнци
This document specifies round and shaped non alloyed steel wire for use in the manufacture of ropes for mine hoisting, man-riding haulage, cableways for the transportation of passengers and other high duty applications. Heavy duty refers to situations where the stresses applied to the rope are either high or vary by a large amount during service.
This document refers to round wires and three types of shaped wire: full lock (Z), half lock (H) and trapezoidal (T).
It does not apply to steel wire taken from manufactured ropes.
This document specifies the following for cold drawn non alloyed steel wire for ropes for high duty applications:
- dimensional tolerances;
- mechanical characteristics;
- requirements relating to the chemical composition of the steel wire;
- conditions to be satisfied by any coating.
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EN 10264-3:2023, идентичан
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