prBAS EN 1725:2025
Furniture - Beds - Requirements for safety, strength and durability
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Метода усвајања:Prijevod
Датум реализације:25.09.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:25.12.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 42, Дрво и производи од дрвета
97.140, Нaмjeштaj
This document specifies requirements on safety, strength and durability for all types of fully assembled beds used by adults in domestic and non-domestic environments including their components, such as bed frames, bed bases, mattresses and mattress pads (when they form a unit with the mattress) and, when supplied with the bed base, mattresses and mattress pads.
The tests are based on use by persons weighing up to 110 kg.
With the exception of sleeping functions, it does not apply to foldaway beds.
It does not apply to bunk beds, high beds and medical beds where separate Standards exist, as well as waterbeds and air beds.
Additional requirements can be applicable to items that have additional functions, e.g. storage features, day beds and convertible sofa-beds.
The durability test, 6.6.1, test 11, applies only to electrically operated beds.
It does not include requirements for the resistance to ageing, degradation, flammability and electrical safety.
Annex A (normative) specifies test methods for finger entrapment.
Annex B (informative) gives a rationale.
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EN 1725:2023, идентичан
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