nsBAS EN 113-3:2024

Трајност дрвета и производа на бази дрвета – Метода испитивања за одређивање отпорности дрвета према базидиомицетама које разарају дрво – Дио 3: Оцјењивање трајности плоча на бази дрвета

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Број страница:35
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:25.09.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:25.11.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 42, Дрво и производи од дрвета
79.060.01, Плoчe нa бaзи дрвeтa oпћeнитo

This document describes a method for assessing the durability of wood-based panels or analogue wood products to attack by wood-destroying basidiomycete fungi growing in pure culture. The test method described in this document is intended to complement EN 113-2 with focus on specific aspects of wood-based panels or analogue wood products. This document is not intended to determine the effectiveness of wood preservatives used to prevent decay, which is covered by EN 113-1. NOTE This method can be used in conjunction with an appropriate ageing procedure, for example EN 73 or EN 84. The method is applicable to uncoated, rigid wood-based panel products. It is applicable to the determination of the decay resistance of wood-based panel products: - made from naturally durable materials; - made from materials treated with preservatives prior to manufacture; - treated with a preservative which is introduced during manufacture, for example as an additive to the adhesive; - specific treatments to increase durability of wood-based panels, e.g. wood modification. Annex A (informative) contains a guidance on sampling. Annex B (normative) contains some methods of sterilization. Annex C (informative) contains information on the culture vessels. Annex D (informative) contains an example of a test report. Annex E (informative) contains information on the test fungi. Annex F (informative) contains the assessment of the results. Annex G (informative) contains extra info on moisture dynamics, coatings, composites and impact of dimensions.

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EN 113-3:2023, идентичан

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