nsBAS EN 16704-1+A1:2024

Railway applications - Track - Safety protection on the track during work - Part 1: Railway risks and common principles for protection of fixed and mobile work sites

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Број страница:96
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:22.04.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:09.06.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 46, Жељезнице
2016/797/EU, Directive (EU) 2016/797 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 May 2016 on the interoperability of the rail system within the European Union (Text with EEA relevance)
93.100, Грaдњa жeљeзничких пругa

This European Standard provides requirements and measures to deal with the significant and specific railway risks during works on or in proximity of the track and with common principles for the protection of fixed and mobile work sites with trains and/or machines circulating on the working track and trains circulating on the adjacent track(s). Railway risks and protection measures for access and egress to/from the work site are considered in the same way as railway risks and protection measures for work itself. This European Standard is applicable to all operations related to work activities on rail guided systems. Infrastructure of metro, tram and other light rail systems is excluded from the scope ). The following specific railway risks are taken into consideration: — Risk 1: Personnel being struck by a train or injured due to wind drag from a train on open working track (safety of the worker); NOTE 1 Risk 1 includes injuring of a worker by machines, material or equipment being struck by a train on the working track. — Risk 2: Personnel being struck by a train or injured due to wind drag from train on adjacent track (safety of the worker); — Risk 3: Personnel being struck by machine or train on blocked track (safety of the worker); — Risk 4: Machines, material or equipment being struck by a train on the adjacent track (safety of the operation/safety of the worker); — Risk 5: Personnel being electrified or electrocuted by fixed electrical equipment (safety of the worker). NOTE 2 Risk 5 includes hazards caused by pantographs of passing trains. This European Standard also provides requirements to the process of installing basic preventive measures when planning new infrastructure or installing corrective measures when adapting existing infrastructure. This European Standard may be extended to third parties when it is considered appropriate and reasonable by the infrastructure manager, if one or more of the five significant risks described inside this standard, arise as a result of their activities in proximity of the track.

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EN 16704-1:2016+A1:2021, идентичан

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