nsBAS EN ISO 7278-2:2024

Petroleum measurement systems - Part 2: Pipe prover design, calibration and operation

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Број страница:112
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:28.03.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:27.05.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 11, Нафта и нафтни деривати
75.180.30, Oпрeмa зa мjeрeњe зaпрeминe и мjeрeњa

This document provides descriptions of the different types of pipe provers, otherwise known as displacement provers, currently in use. These include sphere (ball) provers and piston provers operating in unidirectional and bidirectional forms. It applies to provers operated in conventional, reduced volume, and small volume modes. This document gives guidelines for: —    the design of pipe provers of each type; —    the calibration methods; —    the installation and use of pipe provers of each type; —    the interaction between pipe provers and different types of flowmeters; —    the calculations used to derive the volumes of liquid measured (see Annex A); —    the expected acceptance criteria for fiscal and custody transfer applications, given as guidance for both the calibration of pipe provers and when proving flowmeters (see Annex C). This document is applicable to the use of pipe provers for crude oils and light hydrocarbon products which are liquid at ambient conditions. The principles apply across applications for a wider range of liquids, including water. The principles also apply for low vapour pressure, chilled and cryogenic products, however use with these products can require additional guidance.

Животни циклус

Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
EN ISO 7278-2:2022, идентичан
ISO 7278-2:2022, идентичан

Веза са BAS стандардима

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