prBAS EN IEC 61851-21-2:2025
Konduktivni sistem punjenja električnog vozila - Dio 21 - 2: Zahtjevi za električna vozila za provodljivo povezivanje na AC/DC napajanje - EMC zahtjevi za sisteme za punjenje električnih vozila izvan vozila
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Број страница:58
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:20.10.2023
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:02.04.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 35, Друмска возила
2014/30/EU, Електромагнетна компатибилност
33.100.10, Eмисиja
43.120, Eлeктричнa цeстoвнa вoзилa
43.120, Eлeктричнa цeстoвнa вoзилa
IEC 61851-21-2:2018 defines the EMC requirements for any off-board components or equipment of such systems used to supply or charge electric vehicles with electric power by conductive power transfer (CPT), with a rated input voltage, according to IEC 60038:2009, up to 1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC and an output voltage up to 1 000 V AC or 1 500 V DC.
This document covers off-board charging equipment for mode 1, mode 2, mode 3 and mode 4 charging as defined in IEC 61851-1:2017.
This first edition, together with IEC 61851-21-1, cancels and replaces IEC 61851-21:2001. It constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC 61851‑21:2001:
a) this document addresses now only EMC related tests instead of other electrical tests;
b) Clauses 2 and 3 have been updated;
c) the port definition, the test-setups and their corresponding limits as well as the operation modes are defined more precisely;
d) Annexes A to F have been added.
Животни циклус
Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
EN IEC 61851-21-2:2021, идентичан
IEC 61851-21-2:2018, идентичан
Веза са BAS стандардима
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