nsBAS EN 14024:2024

Metal profiles with thermal barrier - Mechanical performance - Requirements, proof and tests for assessment

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Број страница:63
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:22.05.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:21.07.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 60, Врата и прозори
91.060.50, Врaтa и прoзoри
91.060.10, Зидoви. Прeгрaдe. Фaсaдe

This document specifies requirements for assessment of the mechanical strength of metal profiles incorporating a thermal barrier having mechanical performance depending on their intended use. It also specifies the tests to determine the characteristic values of mechanical properties of the thermal barrier profile and to assess the effect of different conditionings of the thermal barrier on the mechanical performance of the connection. This document does not apply to thermal barriers which do not give a contribution to the mechanical resistance of the profiles. This document is applicable to thermal barrier profiles designed mainly for windows, doors, screens and curtain walls. This document does not apply to thermal barriers made only of metal profiles connected with metal pins or screws. This current edition of EN 14024 will supersede EN 14024:2004. Differences in test procedures between the two versions will not lead to significant differences in test results. Therefore, existing test results according to EN 14024:2004 are considered as equivalent to new test results according to the current edition of EN 14024.

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EN 14024:2023, идентичан

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