BAS EN IEC 61400-12-2:2024

Вјетроелектране - Дио 12-2: Верификација криве снаге вјетроагрегата мјерењем брзине вјетра на гондоли

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Број страница:88
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:08.05.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:14.05.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 56, Конвенционални и алтернативни извори електричне енергије
27.180, Систeми турбинa нa вjeтaр и други aлтeрнaтивни извoри eнeргиje

IEC 61400-12-2:2022 specifies a procedure for verifying the power performance characteristics of a single electricity-producing, horizontal axis wind turbine that is not considered to be a small wind turbine per IEC 61400-2. It is expected that this document be used when the specific operational or contractual specifications do not comply with the requirements set out in IEC 61400-12-1. The purpose of this document is to provide a uniform methodology of measurement, analysis, and reporting of power performance characteristics for individual electricity producing wind turbines utilising nacelle-anemometry methods. This document is intended to be applied only to horizontal axis wind turbines of sufficient size that the nacelle-mounted anemometer does not significantly affect the flow through the turbine’s rotor and around the nacelle and hence does not affect the wind turbine’s performance. This second edition of IEC 61400-12-2 is part of a structural revision that cancels and replaces the performance standards IEC 61400-12-1:2017 and IEC 61400-12-2:2013. The structural revision contains no technical changes with respect to IEC 61400-12-1:2017 and IEC 61400‑12‑2:2013, but the parts that relate to wind measurements, measurement of site calibration and assessment of obstacle and terrain have been extracted into separate standards.

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EN IEC 61400-12-2:2022, идентичан
IEC 61400-12-2:2022, идентичан

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