BAS EN IEC 61400-12-1:2024

Вјетроелектране - Дио 12-1: Мјерења перформанси снаге вјетроагрегата

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Број страница:162
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:08.05.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:14.05.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 56, Конвенционални и алтернативни извори електричне енергије
27.180, Систeми турбинa нa вjeтaр и други aлтeрнaтивни извoри eнeргиje

IEC 61400-12-1:2022 specifies a procedure for measuring the power performance characteristics of a single wind turbine and applies to the testing of wind turbines of all types and sizes connected to the electrical power network. In addition, this document defines a procedure to be used to determine the power performance characteristics of small wind turbines (as defined in IEC 61400-2) when connected to either the electric power network or a battery bank. This document defines a measurement methodology that requires the measured power curve and derived energy production figures to be supplemented by an assessment of uncertainty sources and their combined effects. This third edition of IEC 61400-12-1 is part of a structural revision that cancels and replaces the performance standards IEC 61400-12-1:2017 and IEC 61400-12-2:2013. The structural revision contains no technical changes with respect to IEC 61400-12-1:2017 and IEC 61400‑12‑2:2013, but the parts that relate to wind measurements, measurement of site calibration and assessment of obstacle and terrain have been extracted into separate standards.

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EN IEC 61400-12-1:2022, идентичан
IEC 61400-12-1:2022, идентичан

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