BAS EN ISO/IEC 18045:2021

Informaciona tehnologija - Tehnike sigurnosti – Metodologija za ocjenu sigurnosti IT

Opšte informacije
Status: Povučen
Broj strana: 288
Jezik: Engleski
Izdanje: 1.
Metoda usvajanja: Proglašavanje
Datum objave: 30.12.2021

ISO/IEC 18045:2008 is a companion document to ISO/IEC 15408, Information technology - Security techniques - Evaluation criteria for IT security. ISO/IEC 18045:2008 defines the minimum actions to be performed by an evaluator in order to conduct an ISO/IEC 15408 evaluation, using the criteria and evaluation evidence defined in ISO/IEC 15408. ISO/IEC 18045:2008 does not define evaluator actions for certain high assurance ISO/IEC 15408 components, where there is as yet no generally agreed guidance.

Životni ciklus

Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
  • EN ISO/IEC 18045:2020, identičan
  • ISO/IEC 18045:2008, identičan