BAS EN 13209-1:2022

Производи за дјецу - Носиљке за дојенчад - Сигурносни захтјеви и методе испитивања - Дио 1: Леђне носиљке са крутом конструкцијом

Опште информације
Статус: Повучен
Број страна: 27
Језик: Енглески
Издање: 2.
Метода усвајања: Proglašavanje
Датум објаве: 27.06.2022

This document specifies the safety requirements and test methods for child back carriers with framed support to carry a child in a seated position. Framed back carriers are intended for children from 6 months of age up to a maximum weight of 18 kg and are designed to carry the child on the carer’s back and be attached to a carer’s torso allowing a hands-free operation e.g. standing, walking. Note The rationales for the inclusion of some of the requirements given in this document are given in Annex B. This document does not cover framed back carriers designed for children with special needs. If the framed back carrier has other functions not covered in this document, reference should be made to the relevant European Standard.

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Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
  • EN 13209-1:2021, идентичан

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