BAS EN 50467:2013

Područje primjene na željeznici - Željeznička vozila – Električni konektori, zahtjevi i ispitne metode

Опште информације
Статус: Важећи
Број страна: 42
Језик: Енглески
Издање: 1
Метода усвајања: Proglašavanje
Датум објаве: 07.06.2013
Технички комитет:

This European Standard retains EN 61984:2001 as the minimum performance requirements for railway rolling stock electrical connectors. It identifies additional terms, test methods and performance requirements for single-pole and multipole connectors with rated voltages up to 1 000 V, rated currents up to 125 A per contact and frequencies below 3 MHz used for indoor and outdoor applications in railway rolling stock. This European Standard identifies the application levels for electrical connectors based on - the severity of the service conditions in different rolling stock technologies, - the intended use of the rolling stock, - the location of the connector in the rolling stock system. This European Standard is not applicable to internal connections of electronic devices such as connectors for printed boards and rack-and-panel connectors.

Животни циклус

Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
  • EN 50467:2011, идентичан

Веза са BAS стандардима