prBAS ISO/IEC 24787-2:2025

Information technology — On-card biometric comparison — Part 2: Work-sharing mechanism

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Број страница:8
Метода усвајања:Korice
Датум реализације:24.01.2025
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:30.01.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 1, Информациона технологија
35.240.15, Идeнтификaциoнe кaртицe и срoдни урeђajи

This document provides requirements for a biometric comparison methodology suitable for the on-card environment. In particular, it establishes the work-sharing on-card biometric comparison techniques that require an intensity exceeding the capabilities of integrated circuit cards (ICCs). This document does not establish —    architectures of biometric comparison using an ICC, —    on-card biometric comparison, both in sensor-off-card systems and as part of biometric system-on-card, —    security policies for on-card biometric comparison, —    requirements for off-card biometric comparison, —    requirements for biometric system-on-card (defined in the ISO/IEC 17839 series), or —    modality-specific requirements for storage and comparison.

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ISO/IEC 24787-2:2024, идентичан

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