prBAS ISO/IEC TS 23465-2:2025

Card and security devices for personal identification — Programming interface for security devices — Part 2: API definition

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Метода усвајања:Korice
Датум реализације:24.01.2025
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:30.01.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 1, Информациона технологија
35.240.15, Идeнтификaциoнe кaртицe и срoдни урeђajи

This document describes the following aspects of the programming interface between the client application dealing with the security device and the proxy, based on the framework outlined in ISO/IEC 23465-1: —    the generic API definition; —    state and security models for use cases; —    class and API definitions of functionality, defined in other standards, e.g. the ISO/IEC 7816 series.

Животни циклус

Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
ISO/IEC TS 23465-2:2023, идентичан

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