prBAS IEC/IEEE 63253-5713-8:2025

Station Service Voltage Transformers (SSVT)

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Број страница:84
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:17.12.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:23.12.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 8, Координација изолације, високонапонска испитивања и мјерни трансформатори
17.220.20, Mjeрeњe eлeктричних и мaгнeтских вeличинa

IEC/IEEE 63253-5713-8:2024 describes electrical and mechanical requirements of single-phase station service voltage transformers with system voltages of 46 kV or higher and with the maximum rated voltage of the power winding of 1 000 V.<br /> This document is a basis for the establishment of performance and limited electrical and mechanical interchangeability requirements of the equipment are described. It is also a basis for assistance in the proper selection of such equipment.<br /> A station service voltage transformer (SSVT) is a single-phase transformer to be connected line-to-earth on an effectively earthed system. It can be used either as an individual unit for supplying single-phase loads, or in a three-phase bank to support three-phase loads. A typical application is to supply substation power such as lighting, pump and motor loads. The SSVT can be provided with a measuring winding when requested by the user.

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IEC/IEEE 63253-5713-8:2024, идентичан

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