prBAS CEN/TS 17876:2025
Child care articles - Tricycles - Safety requirements and test methods
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Број страница:49
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:18.11.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:05.03.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 54, Безбједност играчака и производа за дјецу
97.190, Oпрeмa зa дjeцу у дoмaћинству
This Technical Report specifiesthe safety requirements and test methods applicable for tricyclelike vehicles providing a transportation function.
When a product includes some combination of the belowpushchairfeatures this leads to consider a tricycle offers a transportationfunction
-A minimum height of the backrest of 340 mm -(a high backrest for the child)
-A harness for the child, bumper bar
-Possibility to disengage child steering
-Possibility to semi-recline or recline the child’s seat
-Padded seat
-Reversible child’s seat
-Possibility is provided to affix bags, backpacks and other accessories,
NOTE: A learner tricycle, unlike a convertible tricycle stroller, has basic features such as a —
(a)handle for parental control and assistance;
(b)handlebar for use by the child tolearn to steer with the pedals disengaged; and
(c)waist and crotch harness on a seathaving a low back support;
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CEN/TS 17876:2024, идентичан
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