prBAS ISO 5686-2:2025

Polygonal turret interface with flat contact surface — Part 2: Receivers of type F, H, A and X for shanks of type F, H and A

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Број страница:55
Метода усвајања:Korice
Датум реализације:08.11.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:24.03.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 40, Машине и алати
25.060.20, Aлaти зa пoдjeлу и придржaвaњe

This document specifies the dimensions of polygonal taper receivers with flat contact surface (PTI). These receivers are the machine-side part of the interface to the (in cutting process non-rotating) tool carrier of machine tools (e.g. turret lathes, turning centres). This document specifies four types of machine-side interface types, which differ at the face contact. The bores for receiving the tool shanks themselves are designed identically for all types. —     Receiver type F has one hole for the coolant supply (F = fluid); PTI-F type tool holder can be installed in 0°- and 180°-position. —     Receiver type H has a primary coolant hole for the main supply and a secondary coolant hole for an intermediate tool position on the face contact (H = half). For PTI type H holders an installation position offset by 180° is not possible. —     Receiver type A has one hole on the face contact for the primary coolant supply and one additional hole for supplying the tool holder (driven tool) with sealing air (A = air). Two more bores allow the installation of PTI-A holders with spring-type straight pin in 0°- and 180°-position. —     Receiver type X has a primary coolant hole for the main supply and a secondary coolant hole for an intermediate tool position on the face contact. In addition, the type X receiver has one hole for supplying the tool holder (driven tool) with sealing air and two bores for the 0°- and 180°-position of the spring-type straight pin of PTI-A holders.

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ISO 5686-2:2024, идентичан

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