prBAS EN 1998-5:2025
Eurocode 8 - Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 5: Geotechnical aspects, foundations, retaining and underground structures
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Број страница:120
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:27.11.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:03.04.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 58, Пројектовање грађевинских конструкција – Еврокод ЕН 1990, еврокодови 1, 7, 8 и 9
91.120.25, Зaштитa oд сeизмичких дjeлoвaњa и вибрaциja
91.010.30, Teхнички aспeкти
91.010.30, Teхнички aспeкти
1.1 Scope of EN 1998-5
(1) This document establishes general principles for the design and assessment of geotechnical systems in seismic regions. It gives general rules relevant to all families of geotechnical structures, to the design of foundations, retaining structures and underground structures and complements EN 1997-3 for the seismic design situation.
(2) This document contains the basic performance requirements and compliance criteria applicable to geotechnical structures and geotechnical systems in seismic regions.
(3) This document refers to the rules for the representation of seismic actions and the description of the seismic design situations defined in EN 1998-1-1 and provides specific definition of the seismic action applicable to geotechnical structures.
1.2 Assumptions
(1) The assumptions of EN 1990 apply to this document.
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