prBAS EN 17899:2025

Water quality - Spectrophotometric determination of chlorophyll-a content by ethanol extraction for the routine monitoring of water quality

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Број страница:21
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:15.11.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:19.03.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 7, Животна средина
13.060.70, Испитивaњe биoлoшких oсoбинa вoдe
71.040.50, Физичкохемијске методе анализе

This document describes a spectrophotometric method for determining the chlorophyll-a content corrected for phaeopigments as a measure of the amount of phytoplankton for all types of surface water including marine water. The determination limit is usually 2 µg/l to 5 µg/l and is calculated by each laboratory individually. It can be as low as 0,5 µg/l using 2 l of sample (or even more) and a 50 mm cuvette. NOTE In some measurement programs like marine studies on time series data and ecological status/classification no correction for phaeopigments is used and acidification is omitted, e.g. as recommended by OSPAR.

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