prBAS CEN/TS 17986:2025

Flexible sheets for waterproofing - Extrapolation rules for testing results on resistance to root penetration

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Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:20.11.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:31.01.2025
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 36, Архитектонске конструкције, технологија и организација грађења и физика зграде
305/2011, Уредба (EU) 305/2011 о утврђивању усклађених услова за стављање на тржиште грађевинских производа
91.100.50, Вeзивa. Maтeриjaли зa зaптивaњe

Experience with testing in accordance with EN 13948 has shown that flexible sheets for waterproofing with different thicknesses, different colours, different formulations, different surface finishing, and different internal fabrics, amongst others, have passed the test successfully. This document expresses the extrapolation rules of the results of root resistance testing in accordance with EN 13948 for roof waterproofing sheets manufactured in accordance with EN 13707:2004+A2:2009, and EN 13956:2012. Experience with testing in accordance to EN 13948 has shown that the main critical points are represented by the joints. If joints are done in a proper way, it will avoid the penetration of roots during the test.

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CEN/TS 17986:2023, идентичан

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