nsBAS EN 16440-2:2024

Testing methodologies for refrigerating devices for insulated means of transport - Part 2: Eutectic cooling devices

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Број страница:28
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:19.04.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:19.05.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 47, Уређаји и системи за гријање и хлађење
27.200, Рaсхлaднa тeхникa

This document is applicable to eutectic cooling devices which are intended to be used with insulated transport equipment. The following applications are covered: - Eutectic cooling devices with or without compressor/condenser unit intended to be installed into insulated means of transport (e.g. lorries, trailers, swap bodies, other transport equipment and wagons). Charging of the eutectic elements from the liquid to the solid phase can be performed either by a compressor/condenser unit mounted onto the vehicle or by a stationary direct or indirect system. The eutectic cooling devices are equipped, if relevant, with necessary components for the charging, transmission, cooling and/or with temperature control devices. The eutectic elements can be fitted with or without fans; - Eutectic cooling devices with independent eutectic elements are not covered by this document. This document specifies the testing methodologies. This document is only applicable for mono-temperature eutectic cooling devices. This document does not provide any safety requirements.

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EN 16440-2:2023, идентичан

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