psBAS EN ISO 4484-3:2024

Текстил и текстилни производи - Микропластика из текстилних извора - Дио 3: Мјерење масе сакупљеног материјала који се ослобађа из готових текстилних производа методом кућног прања

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Број страница:31
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:27.06.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:01.07.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 48, Текстил, кожа, одјећа и обућа
13.020.40, Зaгaђивaњe, рeгулисaњe зaгaђивaњa и oчувaњe
59.080.01, Teкстили oпћeнитo

This document specifies a method for measuring the collected material mass released from the outlet hose of a standard washing machine, described in ISO 6330, through the washing process. NOTE            The washing condition of textile end products is indicated by the care labelling according to ISO 3758. This document is applicable to textile end products (including consumer textile products, such as clothing made of fleece, shirts, trousers, blouse, etc.) and home textile end products (such as, blankets, rugs, curtains, etc.) which are composed of all fibres such as natural fibres, and man-made fibres, including mixture of the fibres that can be washed in a domestic washing machine. This document is not applicable to fabrics and cut textile products. It does not cover the test for washing machines and detergents as well.

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Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
EN ISO 4484-3:2023, идентичан
ISO 4484-3:2023, идентичан

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