Приказано 181-200 од 1.793 ставке.
Ознака стандардаФаза израдеБАС/ТКДатум реализацијеПредвиђени датум наредне фазе
nsBAS EN 15969-1:2024
Tanks for transport of dangerous goods - Digital interface for the data transfer between tank vehicle and with stationary facilities - Part 1: Protocol specification - Control, measurement and event data
40.20BAS/TC 4123.04.202421.06.2024
nsBAS EN 15969-2:2024
Tanks for transport of dangerous goods - Digital interface for the data transfer between tank vehicle and with stationary facilities - Part 2: Commercial and logistic data
40.20BAS/TC 4123.04.202421.06.2024
nsBAS EN 15987:2024
Leather - Terminology - Key definitions for the leather trade
40.20BAS/TC 4826.04.202426.06.2024
nsBAS EN 16062:2024
Интелигентни транспортни системи – Електронска безбједност (eSafety) – Захтјеви за апликације високог нивоа (HLAP) електронског позива (eCall) које користе GSM/UMTS мреже с комутацијом кругова
40.20BAS/TC 112.03.202413.05.2024
nsBAS EN 16072:2024
Интелигентни транспортни системи – Електронска безбједност (eSafety) – Оперативни захтјеви за паневропски еПозив
40.20BAS/TC 112.03.202413.05.2024
nsBAS EN 16091:2024
Liquid petroleum products - Middle distillates and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) fuels and blends - Determination of oxidation stability by rapid small scale oxidation test (RSSOT)
40.20BAS/TC 1128.03.202427.05.2024
nsBAS EN 16105:2024
Paints and varnishes - Laboratory method for determination of release of regulated dangerous substances from coatings in intermittent contact with water
40.20BAS/TC 3917.04.202417.06.2024
nsBAS EN 16116-1:2024
Railway applications - Design requirements for steps, handrails and associated access for staff - Part 1: Passenger vehicles, vans and locomotives
40.20BAS/TC 4622.04.202409.06.2024
nsBAS EN 16147+A1:2024
Heat pumps with electrically driven compressors - Testing, performance rating and requirements for marking of domestic hot water units
40.20BAS/TC 4719.04.202419.05.2024
nsBAS EN 16186-3:2024
Railway applications - Driver’s cab - Part 3: Design of displays for heavy rail vehicles
40.20BAS/TC 4622.04.202409.06.2024
nsBAS EN 16186-5+A1:2024
Railway applications - Driver's cabs - Part 5: External visibility for tram vehicles
40.20BAS/TC 4622.04.202409.06.2024
nsBAS EN 16186-8:2024
Railway applications - Driver's cab - Part 8: Tram vehicle layout and access
40.20BAS/TC 4622.04.202409.06.2024
nsBAS EN 16247-1:2024
Energy audits - Part 1: General requirements
40.20BAS/TC 1006.03.202426.04.2024
nsBAS EN 16247-2:2024
Energy audits - Part 2: Buildings
40.20BAS/TC 1006.03.202426.04.2024
nsBAS EN 16247-3:2024
Energy audits - Part 3: Processes
40.20BAS/TC 1006.03.202426.04.2024
nsBAS EN 16247-4:2024
Energy audits - Part 4: Transport
40.20BAS/TC 1006.03.202426.04.2024
nsBAS EN 16254:2024
Adhesives - Emulsion polymer isocyanate (EPI) for load-bearing timber structures - Classification and performance requirements
40.20BAS/TC 902.04.202401.06.2024
nsBAS EN 16306:2024
Методе испитивања природног камена - Одређивање отпорности мермера на циклусе промјене топлоте и влаге
40.20BAS/TC 2112.03.202411.05.2024
nsBAS EN 16329:2024
Diesel and domestic heating fuels - Determination of cold filter plugging point - Linear cooling bath method
40.20BAS/TC 1128.03.202427.05.2024
nsBAS EN 16334-1:2014+A1:2024
Railway applications - Passenger Alarm System - Part 1: System requirements for mainline rail
40.20BAS/TC 4622.04.202409.06.2024