psBAS EN IEC 62680-1-2:2024

Интерфејси универзалних серијских сабирница за податке и напајање - Дио 1-2: Заједничке компоненте - Спецификација USB-а за испоруку енергије

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Број страница:730
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:27.06.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:28.06.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 5, Телекомуникације
33.120, Кoмпoнeнтe и прибoр зa тeлeкoмуникaциjску oпрeму
35.200, Унутaрњa и вeзнa oпрeмa (интeрфejснa)
29.220, Гaлвaнскe ћeлиje и бaтeриje

IEC 62680-1-2:2022 specification defines a power delivery system covering all elements of a USB system including: Hosts, Devices, Hubs, Chargers and cable assemblies. This specification describes the architecture, protocols, power supply behavior, connectors and cabling necessary for managing power delivery over USB at up to 100W. This specification is intended to be fully compatible and extend the existing USB infrastructure. It is intended that this specification will allow system OEMs, power supply and peripheral developers adequate flexibility for product versatility and market differentiation without losing backwards compatibility. This sixt edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2021 and constitutes a technical revision. Extended Power Range (EPR) including Adjustable Voltage Supply (AVS) has been added. This docuemnt is the USB-IF publication Universal Serial Bus Power Delivery Specification Revision 3.1, Version 1.1.

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EN IEC 62680-1-2:2022, идентичан
IEC 62680-1-2:2022, идентичан

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