Приказано 1-20 од 98 ставки.
Ознака стандардаФаза израдеБАС/ТКДатум реализацијеПредвиђени датум наредне фазе
nsBAS EN 50483-1:2024
Захтјеви за испитивање прибора нисконапонских кабловских снопова – Дио 1: Опште одредбе
40.60BAS/TC 3030.12.202431.12.2024
prBAS CLC/TR 50658:2025
Cable management systems (CMS) providing support for cables with intrinsic fire resistance
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS CLC/TS 50659:2025
Electromagnetic characteristics of linear cable management systems (CMS)
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 50156-1:2025
Electrical equipment for furnaces and ancillary equipment - Part 1: Requirements for application design and installation
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 50214:2025
Flat flexible cables
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 50250/Cor1:2025
Conversion adaptors for industrial use
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 50341-2-21:2025
Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV - National Normative Aspects (NNA) for Slovenia (based on EN 50341-1:2012)
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 50341-2-24:2025
Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV - Part 2-24: National Normative Aspects (NNA) for Romania (based on EN 50341-1:2012)
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 50341-2-7:2025
Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV - Part -2-7: National Normative Aspects (NNA) for FINLAND (based on EN 50341-1:2012)
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 50483-2:2024
Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories - Part 2: Tension and suspension clamps for self supporting system
20.20BAS/TC 3001.07.202426.07.2024
prBAS EN 50483-3:2025
Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories - Part 3: Tension and suspension clamps for neutral messenger system
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202511.02.2025
prBAS EN 50620/A2:2025
Electric cables - Charging cables for electric vehicles
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 50626-1:2025
Conduit systems buried underground for the protection and management of insulated electrical cables or communication cables - Part 1: General requirements
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 50655-1:2025
Electric cables - Accessories - Material characterization - Part 1: Fingerprinting for resinous compounds
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 60143-1/A1:2025
Series capacitors for power systems - Part 1: General
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 60143-2/A1:2025
Series capacitors for power systems - Part 2: Protective equipment for series capacitor banks
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 60670-22/A1:2025
Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 22: Particular requirements for connecting boxes and enclosures
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 60670-22/A11:2025
Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 22: Particular requirements for connecting boxes and enclosures
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 60670-23/A1:2025
Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 23: Particular requirements for floor boxes and enclosures
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025
prBAS EN 60670-23/A11:2025
Boxes and enclosures for electrical accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - Part 23: Particular requirements for floor boxes and enclosures
00.99BAS/TC 3028.01.202510.02.2025