Приказано 1-11 од 11 ставки.
Ознака стандардаФаза израдеБАС/ТКДатум реализацијеПредвиђени датум наредне фазе
prBAS CEN/TR 13933:2025
Masonry cement - Testing for workability (cohesivity)
10.99BAS/TC 926.11.202412.03.2025
prBAS EN 13282-3:2025
Hydraulic road binders - Part 3: Assessment and verification of constancy of performance
10.99BAS/TC 926.11.202412.03.2025
prBAS EN 17328:2025
Complementary product category rules for gypsum-based construction products
10.99BAS/TC 926.11.202412.03.2025
prBAS EN ISO 10364:2025
Structural adhesives - Determination of the pot life (working life) of multi-component adhesives
10.99BAS/TC 926.11.202412.03.2025
prBAS EN ISO 21265:2025
Building and civil engineering sealants - Assessment of the fungal growth on sealant surfaces
10.99BAS/TC 926.11.202412.03.2025
prBAS ISO 13100:2025
Methods for zeta potential determination — Streaming potential and streaming current methods for porous materials
10.99BAS/TC 926.11.202412.03.2025
prBAS ISO 13317-1:2025
Determination of particle size distribution by gravitational liquid sedimentation methods — Part 1: General principles, requirements and guidance
10.99BAS/TC 926.11.202412.03.2025
prBAS ISO 13318-1:2025
Determination of particle size distribution by centrifugal liquid sedimentation methods — Part 1: General principles, requirements and guidance
10.99BAS/TC 926.11.202412.03.2025
prBAS ISO 19430:2025
Determination of particle size distribution and number concentration by particle tracking analysis (PTA)
10.99BAS/TC 926.11.202412.03.2025
prBAS ISO 19996:2025
Charge conditioning of aerosol particles for particle characterization and the generation of calibration and test aerosols
10.99BAS/TC 926.11.202412.03.2025
prBAS ISO/TS 5973:2025
Laser diffraction measurements — Good practice
10.99BAS/TC 926.11.202412.03.2025