Приказано 21-40 од 162 ставке.
Ознака стандардаФаза израдеБАС/ТКДатум реализацијеПредвиђени датум наредне фазе
prBAS CEN/TS 18078:2025
Electronic fee collection - Measurement of interferences on tolling and tachograph devices from radio local area network devices operating in the 5,8 GHz frequency range - Test suite structure and test purposes
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS CEN/TS 18099:2025
Biometric data injection attack detection
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 16986:2025
Electronic fee collection - Interoperable application profiles for information exchange between service provision and toll charging
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 17184:2025
Intelligent transport systems — eSafety — eCall High level application protocols (HLAP) using IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) over packet switched networks
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 17240:2025
Intelligent transport systems - ESafety - ECall end to end conformance testing for IMS packet switched based systems
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 17529:2025
Data protection and privacy by design and by default
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 17740:2025
Requirements for professional profiles related to personal data processing and protection
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 17799:2025
Personal data protection requirements for processing operations
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 17905:2025
Intelligent transport systems - eSafety - eCall HLAP in hybrid circuit switched/packet switched network environments
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 17926:2025
Privacy Information Management System per ISO/IEC 27701 - Refinements in European context
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 17927:2025
Security Evaluation Standard for IoT Platforms (SESIP). An effective methodology for applying cybersecurity assessment and re-use for connected products.
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 18031-1:2025
Common security requirements for radio equipment - Part 1: Internet connected radio equipment
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 18031-2:2025
Common security requirements for radio equipment - Part 2: radio equipment processing data, namely Internet connected radio equipment, childcare radio equipment, toys radio equipment and wearable radio equipment
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN 18031-3:2025
Common security requirements for radio equipment - Part 3: Internet connected radio equipment processing virtual money or monetary value
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 12813:2025
Electronic fee collection - Compliance check communication for autonomous systems
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 13141:2025
Electronic fee collection - Localization augmentation communication for autonomous systems
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 14823-1:2025
Intelligent transport systems - Graphic data dictionary - Part 1: Specification
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 17419/A1:2025
Intelligent transport systems - Cooperative systems - Globally unique identification - Amendment 1: Regions of a closed polygon in a plane
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 17573-3:2025
Electronic fee collection - System architecture for vehicle-related tolling - Part 3: Data dictionary
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 18104:2025
Health informatics - Categorial structures for representation of nursing practice in terminological systems
00.99BAS/TC 124.01.202530.01.2025