Машине и алати
Опште информације
Подручје рада
Веза са међународним/европским комитетима
CEN/TC 263
Secure storage of cash, valuables and data media
CEN/TC 274
Aircraft ground support equipment
CEN/TC 313
ISO/TC 108
Mechanical vibration, shock and condition monitoring
ISO/TC 118
Compressors and pneumatic tools, machines and equipment
ISO/TC 199
Safety of machinery
Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects
CEN/TC 114
Safety of machinery
CEN/TC 186
Industrial thermoprocessing - Safety
CEN/TC 198
Printing and paper machinery - Safety
CEN/TC 202
Foundry machinery
CEN/TC 231
Mechanical vibration and shock
CEN/TC 232
Compressors, vacuum pumps and their systems
CEN/TC 255
Hand-held, non-electric power tools - Safety
Small tools
Machine tools
CEN/TC 143
Machine tools - Safety
TC 44
Safety of machinery - Electrotechnical aspects
ISO/TC 29/SC 5
Grinding wheels and abrasives
ISO/TC 29/SC 8
Tools for pressing and moulding
ISO/TC 29/SC 9
Tools with defined cutting edges, holding tools, cutting items, adaptive items and interfaces
ISO/TC 29/SC 10
Assembly tools for screws and nuts, pliers and nippers
ISO/TC 39/SC 2
Test conditions for metal cutting machine tools
ISO/TC 39/SC 6
Noise of machine tools
ISO/TC 39/SC 8
Work holding spindles and chucks
ISO/TC 108/SC 2
Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibration and shock as applied to machines, vehicles and structures
ISO/TC 108/SC 4
Human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock
ISO/TC 39/SC 10
Small tools
CEN/TC 213
Cartridge operated hand-held tools - Safety
ISO/TC 108/SC 5
Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machine systems
CEN/TC 397
Baling presses - Safety requirements
ISO/TC 118/SC 3
Pneumatic tools and machines
ISO/TC 39/SC 4
Woodworking machines
ISO/TC 39/SC 4/WG 1
Common requirements and safety of integrated fed machines
ISO/TC 39/SC 4/WG 2
Safety of manually fed machines
ISO/TC 118/SC 6
Air compressors and compressed air systems
ISO/TC 118/SC 4
Compressed air treatment technology
ISO/TC 108/SC 6
Vibration and shock generating systems
Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects