BAS CEN ISO/TS 14823:2014
Traffic and travel information - Messages via media independent stationary dissemination systems - Graphic data dictionary for pre-trip and in-trip information dissemination systems
General Information
Status: Withdrawn
No. of pages: 183
Language: English
Edition: 1.
Adoption method: Endorsment
Publication date: 26.06.2014
Technical committee:
ISO/TS 14823:2008 presents a system of standardized codes for existing signs and pictograms used to deliver traffic and traveller information (TTI). The coding system can be used to form messages to be handled by respective media systems, graphic messages on on-board units, and media system information on TTI dissemination systems [variable message signs (VMS), personal computers (PC), public access terminals (PAT), etc.] (including graphic data).
Original document and degree of correspondence
- CEN ISO/TS 14823:2008, identical
- ISO/TS 14823:2008, identical