BAS EN 1999-1-5:2008
Eurocode 9 - Design of aluminium structures - Part 1-5: Shell structures
General Information
Status: Withdrawn
No. of pages: 66
Language: English
Edition: 1.
Adoption method: Endorsment
Publication date: 19.09.2008
Technical committee:
(1)P EN 1999-1-5 applies to the structural design of aluminium structures, stiffened and unstiffened, that have the form of a shell of revolution or of a round panel in monocoque structures.
(2) The relevant parts of EN 1999 should be followed for specific application rules for structural design.
(3) Supplementary information for certain types of shells are given in EN 1993-1-6 and the relevant application parts which include:
- Part 3-1 for towers and masts;
- Part 3-2 for chimneys;
- Part 4-1 for silos;
- Part 4-2 for tanks;
- Part 4-3 for pipelines.
(4) The provisions in EN 1999-1-5 apply to axisymmetric shells (cylinders, cones, spheres) and associated circular or annular plates and beam section rings and stringer stiffeners where they form part of the complete structure.
(5) Single shell panels (cylindrical, conical or spherical) are not explicitly covered by EN 1999-1-5. However, the provisions can be applicable if the appropriate boundary conditions are duly taken into account.
Original document and degree of correspondence
- EN 1999-1-5:2007, identical