Joint Commission for Economic Reforms and Development of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly Debated the Part of the 2014 Work Report of the Council of Ministers of BiH

Joint Commission for Economic Reforms and Development of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly debated the part of the 2014 Work report of the Council of Ministers of BiH regarding the work of 11 institutions under the competence of this Commission, namely: the Institute for Intellectual Property of BiH, the Institute for Standardization of BiH, the Institute for Accreditation of BiH, the Institution of the Ombudsman for Consumer Protection of BiH, the Agency for Statistics of BiH, the Market Surveillance Agency of BiH, the Insurance agency of BiH, the Labour and Employment Agency, the Foreign Investment Promotion Agency, the Directorate for Economic Planning and the Competition Council of BiH.


Director of the Institute for standardization of BiH, Aleksandar Cincar addressed the members of the Commission and informed them about the basic activities of the Institute:


  • The basic processes of this Institute in 2014, namely activities on preparation, adoption and publication od BAS standars are almost complete (near 100%). Specifically, in 2014th the Institute planned to adopt 2942 standards through its expert bodies and 2937 was actually adopted. The Institute for standardization has adopted around 85% of EN (European standards) into a BiH standardization system by endorsement method, namely as of 31.12.2014 total of 20642 standards. This information can be found on the official website of the European standards organizations. In 2014th ,19 standards has been adopted by translation method. 9 original standards has also been published.
  • The Institute has adopted all harmonized standards that are a part of New Approach Directives.
  • The Institute was also working on the fulfillment of 6+3 criteria and practically fulfilled all the requirements for applying for full membership at the European standards organizations CEN and CENELEC. Two criteria that needs to be accomplished by the state may represent a problem. The first criterion: BiH has to become a candidate for membership, stating the transition period for EU accession. The second criterion: BiH legislation needs to be harmonized with the EU legislation.
  • Activities of the Institute for standardization of BiH was also recognized by the European Commission and in recent years in the Progress report for BiH was stated that a significant progress has been made in the standardization area.