Training “Organizational Culture” of ISBIH employees

Training on “Organizational Culture” for the employees of the Institute for Standardization of BiH was held on Monday, December 16, 2019.


On that occasion, the results of an internal survey conducted at the Institute was presented to the employees, whose aim was to assess at the current situation and adopt measures to improve the work of the Institute.


Organizational culture, as a shared vision that shapes the way how the members of an organization think, react and behave, is the basis for the progress and prosperity of each organization.


Different types of organizational cultures were considered and analysed, and it was concluded that organizational culture can be an excellent motivator for employees. The need to belong, which, to a greater or lesser extent, each person has within itself, the members of the organization can only satisfy if they identify themselves with the organization. And identifying with an organization is only feasible if the organization has a highly developed organizational culture.


Also, it was concluded that it is very important that management consciously and continuously work on creating the desired organizational culture in order to achieve the goals of the organization.